Who We Are

The Association of Northern Mediators is a mutual, independent group of mediators. Our mission is to promote the development and use of mediation through education, dialogue and by making it more accessible to the wider community in the north of England through our network of qualified local mediators. Mediations can be carried out online, telephone and email. Some mediators may also offer in-situ mediations.

You can choose a mediator from this site by searching for a name, speciality or location or by browsing the different mediation areas.

Learn more about mediation. FAQs

Learn more about the association 

Joining the ANM

Would you like to join a friendly group of mediators? Membership of the ANM comes with free online CPD events, access to over 60 hours of recorded CPD, resources and a great network of other like minded professionals.

We have three categories of membership. More information

  • Approved panel members who are featured in the “Search for a Mediator” function.
  • Potential Panel Members
  • Associates include mediators who are not fully accredited, accredited mediators from other areas, retired or non practising mediators, those who are not members of CMC and others who have an interest in mediation.

Sign up to receive details of our online CPD program, held most months. Non-members pay a fee for events, members and associates do not. Why not try our online CPD and see how it might benefit you to join?

Once you are member, a user name and password will be issued, so that you create your own profile and access the Members’ area with resources, member only offers and events.

Any one interested in mediation can sign up to receive details of our online CPD program, held most months. If you aren’t a member of ANM, we ask  for a donation of £10 , which is donated to mediation related charities. To receive advance notice of these events, please sign up here. We welcome suggestions for topics and speakers. If you would like to do a session or see a particular issue or topic covered, please email [email protected]