Mediations for Smaller Claims

Many of the mediators in the ANM are happy to do mediations for a fixed fee on smaller claims. Generally speaking if a dispute has a value of less than £10,000, it is considered a “Small Claim”. Small Claims Fixed Fee Mediation can be done over the phone, or online video conference, and has a specific time limit. (Prices set by Civil Mediation Council) Please be aware that some disputes are not suitable for the small claims style of mediation regardless of value. It is best to discuss your dispute with your chosen mediator. Everyone involved in the dispute needs to agree to use mediation before contacting us. If you haven’t asked the other parties whether they agree, why not send them a link to this page.

Once you all agree

Select “Find a Mediator”
Type Small Claims in the Areas of Practice box.
This will bring up all the mediators who offer this service and their contact details.
Once contacted, the mediator will discuss your case in more detail. Not all disputes are suitable for mediation and some of these may not be suitable for this style of mediation

*Please note that if you have a dispute of less than £10,000 you may be offered a free 1 hour telephone mediation service by the Court once you have issued a claim form.  You may also be offered mediation by the Court for claims above £10,000.  There will be a cost to issue a claim form. If you are a consumer and your dispute concerns the sale of goods and services the trader is required to provide you with the name and website address of an approved Alternative Dispute Resolution body.  For more information, click here.